
Wow! Summer is flying by. I cant believe that Autumn will be here in less than one month! It seems as though time is speeding up. Each month seems to be going by so faster & faster. Has anyone else noticed this? I am beginning to sense that there is a very real phenomenon happening regarding ‘time’ that may have something to do with dimensional interfacing happening in our reality now. My personal sense is that many of us are beginning to catch glimpses of subtle dimensional shifts happening now as we are moving closer to 2012 & the dawning of the new era that is coming with it.

As I write this, my attention is drawn to the awareness that these ‘subtle dimensional overlaps’ and the seeming effects this is having on our perception of time could mean that we as humans may experience less of a time lapse between the intentions we set in motion and the manifestation of those intentions. I have personally been noticing a shorter span between the intentions I set and the amount of time they take to manifest in the physical, for quite some time now. If time (or our perception of it) is speeding up or otherwise ‘morphing’ then this also puts more responsibility on each of us regarding our inner realities. Can you imagine how motivated you would be to really become more conscious of your thoughts & feelings if you knew that they were going to have a nearly immediate effect on your reality? I guess time will tell … LOL! For now I’m going to continue to observe & sense the shifts that are happening & remain open to guidance as to the best way to flow with the changes.

Self Awareness Exercise.

I think it’s a great idea to take some time to become more aware of the vibrational quality of your most habitual thoughts & feelings and compare that to the overall quality of fulfillment you are right now experiencing in life. Get a notebook and right down your observations. This will help you to become clearer as to how your inner reality is influencing your external experiences and will in turn help you to see how to modify whatever you need to in order to bring your inner and outer worlds into harmony with each other.

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