
Friday Flow Vinyasa Yoga Class
Fridays at 5:30p (75 min class)

Friday Flow is a Vinyasa yoga class that builds your internal heat, strength and flexibility through a dynamic flow practice.  No two classes are alike! Each weekly class offers creative asana flow sequences and variations rooted in the foundations of the traditional Ashtanga primary series, leaving youfeeling energized and connected to your body and your breath. Get grounded, get strong and GLOW from the inside out! This is an ‘All-Levels” class. Everyone welcome, modifications are provided.

Mastering Intuition
8-Week Master Course
Online, On-demand

Start anytime, learn at your own pace, from the convenience and comfort of your own home. This is a unique to learn to master your intuition with renowned professional Psychic, Carrie Konyha, with over three decades of experience in teaching people how to master their intuition. Bring a whole new level of awareness to your spiritual growth and awakening journey with the power of intuition. This course is for you if you are an awakening soul ready to take your spiritual development journey to the next level, if you are empath seeking to gain empowerment with your unique intuitive gifts, if you are ready to establish the foundations in prepairing for a career in intuitive/energy healing arts or if you are ready to bring a new level of depth to your existing energy healing practice. See link for full details. 

Coming in 2025
The Art Of Reading Tarot
Online Course
Join the wait list!
[email protected]

 Join master psychic & tarot reader Carrie Konyha as she guides you thru a clear journey in learning to decode and read the ancient keys of esoteric knowledge encrypted within the traditional Tarot card system, as you hone the art of intuitive perception and interpretation. 
Carries method of teaching the Tarot – as it was passed to her by her teacher 30 years ago – results in gaining both the knowledge and intuitive skills to confidently read ANY Tarot and Oracle deck. 
Coming to our new online learning platform in 2024! Join the Wait List here