Join Waiting List! NEW COURSE COMING in 2024 .
Next On-Demand Video Streaming Course
Coming to our new online learning platform in 2024
The Art of Reading Tarot
8-week On-Demand Video Course
Join master psychic & tarot reader Carrie Konyha as she guides you thru a clear journey in learning to decode and read the ancient keys of esoteric knowledge encrypted within the traditional Tarot card system, as you hone the art of intuitive perception and interpretation.
Carries method of teaching the tarot – as it was passed to her by her teacher 30 years ago – results in gaining both the knowledge and intuitive skills to confidently read ANY Tarot and Oracle deck.
This immersive dive into the Tarot is rooted in a deep exploration of the esoteric meanings behind the many layers symbolism present within the cards in addition to teaching several ‘easy-to-learn’ tarot spreads, intuitive skill building tools and communication frameworks for doing powerful readings for yourself and others.
What You Will Discover In These 8 Weeks
In this 8-week transformative immersion, you will be guided thru the fundamental skills you need to cultivate proficiencies in the art of reading Tarot Cards. Learn to work with the Tarot as a tool in personal growth, intuitive development, soul awakening, healing & guidance for yourself and others
Are you an empath on a journey of spiritual awakening, healing and empowerment?
Learn to access keys of wisdom hidden within the symbolism of the Tarot to support your clarity, direction empowerment on your . journey. The Tarot course open up the pathways to a deeper connecting with your soul as it sharpens your ability to divine spiritual messages for yourself and others.
Are you preparing for a career in healing arts or are you ready to deepen the scope of your existing healing arts practice?
Carrie has been training professional psychics and healing arts practitioners since 1996! Thats 25 years and counting! Its her burning passion to support you in becoming the best healing practitioner you can be! This course teaches healing arts practitioners how to utilize the esoteric teachings within the cards to ad depth to your session offerings with clients.
Consider also taking Carries “Decoding Intuition” ,“Mastering The Art Of Psychic Reading” and “Healing Tools for Intuitive Practitioners” courses to be on your way to achieving the “Intuitive Healing Arts Practitioner” Certification offered by Carrie to those who complete all of these courses.
Can’t make it Live?
No worries, each class will be accessible via ‘on-demand’ playback after each live class so you never have to miss anything. Class materials for all 8 modules will be available for download as well.
8 week course – 12 full hours of in-depth training
* Discover the meanings behind how the cards are categorized & interrelate to each other
* Learn how to decode the ancient keys of esoteric wisdom within the cards symbols
* Apply Tarot as a tool in personal growth, soul awakening, awareness, healing & guidance
* Explore easy ways to do Tarot readings with and without Tarot spreads
* Gain knowledge & intuitive skills to read any Tarot or Oracle deck with confidence
* Learn how to
The Tarot is an ancient system of esoteric knowledge that offers keys to higher consciousness through the exploration of universal symbolism as a language that speaks directly to the soul. Working with the tarot brings fresh perspectives, guidance and direction in regard to unconscious motivations, hidden fears, secret desires, soul gifts, challenges and opportunities, all revealed in the spirit of supporting spiritual awakening, higher awareness, spiritual wisdom and personal empowerment.
Heres What You’ll Receive
- Access to 8, 90 minute live streaming video classes with Carrie Konyha
- Class handouts and supportive materials
- On-Demand video recordings of 8 live streaming video classes
- Interactive exercises and additional lessons for each class
- Online community via private fb group to interact with others in class
- Achieve the foundation training needed to master the art of reading Tarot
- Certificate of Completion
Take Advantage Of This Opportunity
Completion of this course will greatly improve your confidence in accessing your inner guidance and connection to your higher self. It will also greatly enhance your preparation for Carries higher level courses including “Mastering The Art Of Psychic Reading”
About Carrie Konyha
Born with natural gifts in extra sensory perception and a commitment to spiritual growth, Globally -renowned psychic soul guide and healing practitioner, Carrie Konyha has been training professional psychics and healers in the intuitive arts for 25 years. For the past 2 decades she has been leading group classes and spiritual growth retreats in Sedona Arizona, where she resides.
Serving as a core retreat facilitator for both of Sedona’s premier Spiritual Retreat companies, SpiritQuest and Sedona Soul Adventures, Carrie is widely recognized as a deeply insightful, compassionate and empowering soul guide.