
Hi! My name is Carrie and I’m a professional psychic. After more than 20 years of working as a psychic professionally and after 13 years of offering my services on the internet, I am now in the process of merging my old website into this new, interactive one in order to better communicate with my clients and to create a space for my clients to interact with each other (please be patient while it is under construction).  I’m really excited about the advancements with computer technology and the new ease in which it is affording me to stay in touch with all of you. I’m looking forward to sharing information & personal experiences regarding my psychic abilities with you all and invite you all to contribute your input. For those of you who are new to this site and do not know me personally yet, allow me to share a little of myself…

I’ve been psychic since I was a child and believe that I was born that way. For as far back as I can remember, I have been aware of this ability I have to ‘see the truth of people’ as I used to call it as a child. This ability to ‘see’ into people, environments & situations is something that to me seems like everyone has. When I was a child, I thought that this ability was just a normal function of life ( I still do) and it wasn’t until I started becoming ‘domesticated’ with public schooling and such that I came to realize that not everyone seemed to see as deeply into things as me. Of course this has naturally led to a lifetime of questioning on my end regarding my psychic abilities.

The quest for understanding my psychic abilities led me to explore spirituality beginning at a very early age. Now at 41 years old and having been working as a professional psychic since age 18, my abilities have become very highly developed and my fundamental understanding of psychic ability could earn me a PhD if there were such a thing for my field of work. However, I still find myself asking myself questions regarding my abilities almost daily. The gift in my questioning is that my own quest for the answers is what continually drives me to always learn more, increase my level of awareness & my spiritual vibration in hopes of pioneering information for those with similar questions. My quest for understanding my psychic abilities has greatly influenced my life both personally & professionally. I live in a spiritually open community and have many friends that are consciously exploring spirituality. I have now been teaching techniques for accessing & developing the psychic senses since 1994 and my sense of purpose with teaching continues to be motivated by my own questions and my desire to help others along the way so that maybe they do not have to struggle with their abilities in the way that I did as a child and adolescent.

In this blog, Ill be sharing my personal thoughts, insights, awareness’s and experiences I have regarding my psychic abilities and my work as a psychic. Again, my hope is that in sharing my personal experiences and the private thoughts behind them, I will help others to come into confidence & certainty regarding their own intuitive abilities. My goal is to help others learn how to work with their intuitional gifts as a life enhancing tool.

Questions, comments and sharing are always welcome here.

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One Response to Introductions

  1. sandra742 says:

    Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.

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