
Origninally published in my Jan ’09 Newsletter…

Numerology is an ancient esoteric art & science that studies the vibrational significants of numbers & their influence on human life.  Many things can be divined using numerology. For today I thought it would be fun to talk about the energy of the New Year and show you how to calculate your “Personal Year Number” so that you can see how numerology works for you from an experiential perspective.

In numerology we use process of addition and reduction, using single digit numbers. Lets Start with the New Year number 2009. This year number is universal to everyone. For example 2009 would be added as 2+0+0+9=11 then 1+1=2. But in numerology double digit numbers 11, 22, 33, 44 & so on, are considered ‘master numbers’ and are the exception to the reduction rule. Metaphorically, the Current Year Number of 11/2 this year represents a stabilizing energy that has its roots in the new seed energy that was planted during the (1) year of 2008. The 11 aspect of this years current year number also represents a time of affirming our sense of path an purpose spiritually. Our intentions and actions this year will be what establishes the foundational energy from which we will spring forward from for the next several years. To find out how this is best received and expressed for you personally we can look at your “Personal Year Number”.

Personal Year Number.  By taking the month and day of birth and adding it to the current year number, it’s possible to chart just how this energy stream will influence and affect your reality & life’s experience from year to year. For example, my birthday is January 4th so I would take 1+4+2+0+0+9=16 then 1+6=7. I am in a 7 personal year number this year. See below for a keyword chart relating to your personal year this year. Many wonderful books on numberology are available for those interested in extensive study.

If your personal year number is….

1. A year of New Beginnings, innitiative
2. Year of integration, stability, learning through relating
3. Year of active social life, growth, expansion, beginnings of success
4. Focus on the physcial & taking care of business, organization
5. Year of change, innovation, enthusiasm, creativity & exploration
6. focus on domestic affairs, restoring, balance & harmony, relationships
7. affirming your spiritual path and purpose, examination, looking within.
8. Newfound  success & opportunitycomes through clarity, reversals now possible
9. Experience of completions, wholeness,  integration, closure, tying up loose ends, letting go.

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